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Friday, December 30, 2011

A True 2011 Tale

DEAR TWENTY ELEVEN - You helluva year! Yes, 2011: so sick you've been that I loathed and loved you at the same time. You're but an epic era of my life but I got to admit that I did nail you pretty well. (Fist pump! Fist pump!)

You started off as if the end of days were near. I went astray for a few years and invested in something which eventually blew up in a snap during your eve. I lived your first two weeks starving myself like an idiot and doing those silly Lorna Tolentino moves on our wet wall (or sometimes by the old staircase). Crap, it's so gross. Still, 2011, you knew me head on and the greater things which you dared me to unleash. However, do you remember that  third week of your dark January? This was when you let me pull off a complete 180 in my life.

And the rest was freaking history. WOOORD!

I registered for the Condura Skyway Marathon which almost didn't materialize because of an ankle injury. But yeah, beer was in between that so- called "training". I was so determined to run in the Ayala- Skyway- Buendia- Fort route. That was something BIG for me. The rush felt like it was a start of so many forthcoming displays of courage and longer distances where I had to prove that such pain could exist but can still be controlled by staying positive and focused.

Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City

For that period, I had an illusion that I was semi- infallible. I repeat that it was just an illusion which I had to use to motivate myself. I know the Pope is, but definitely not a dork like me. Shake up, ambitious kid. If such somewhat delusion of grandeur would help, proceed but remember to take a grand halt. Don't let that stuff stay in your head forever.

Adding up another form of relief was doing a bit of firing. And hey 2011, you know that it felt sooooo good that I had to do it again. And again. And again.

QCPD Camp Karingal Firing Range, Quezon City

Back in my old company, I was part of a bunch of hardcore punk friends that were sent to Hong Kong for dinner and a talent contest. We danced and bagged the first place. High five. Those who managed to find the video in Youtube, congratulations- but you will never see me dancing to Elvis, Backstreet Boys and to that KPop song again in a really short Japanese plaid skirt. FINE. Yes you'd still see me doing such but in one condition- you gotta get me drunk, which you know would be far out difficult. Too difficult.

Hong Kong

I had to squeeze in some trips between my hectic schedule to stay attuned with the cosmos.

Cagbalete Island, Quezon

And I was also one- third of those hospitalized in Iloilo for eating a pile of oysters. That's literally so sick. And full of crap. Again, literally. Here's a shout out to my two other friends who suffered in the hospital along with me. Let's do it again! Hooray for the karma brought about by the OYSTERS!

Iloilo City

2011. You made me party WAY. TOO. HARD! A pair of shades was always inside my bag which was intended to beat the rising of the sun while rushing to reach home. In the morning.

Spicy Fingers, Greenbelt 3, Makati City
Cable Car, Makati City
Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
M Cafe, Greenbelt 4, Makati City
Subic, Zambales
Palladium, New World Hotel, Makati City
Corregidor Island
Central Emilia, Makati City
Il Ponticello, Makati City
Los BaƱos, Laguna

Red Box, Greenbelt 3, Makati City

Then your month of July instantly came in as a big shock. At that point, I got an offer to head the whole operations group of a consulting firm in Singapore. But hey, everything was so happy at that time! I didn't want to leave Manila. I had my groove going already! I spent a lot of time with crazy and beloved friends. I came home to a great family that I cooked for more often than the last years. I embraced my wellness and being, ran at 5:00 AM during Sundays, and I grabbed a whole lot of other opportunities (raket because I'm a raketeer). I was so back in the scene! Returning to what I thought of as rehab- I mean, Singapore- will pave for some longing and letting go of the fun I've been experiencing. Dammit 2011, I had to tell you to cut it out because honestly, I hated that you put me on the brink of such a life- defining situation wherein I had to choose.

Still, I accepted the blessing that was offered and the fate of working once again as an OFW with only one thing in mind: God gave me another chance and this time, I have no more damn right to screw it up. I came way too far for things to be blown apart. I knew I wasn't meant to just settle, that I was challenged to make the quick move, that I had to fly... and so I did. 

Dear 2011, those days of yours got me high on events that gave me a kind of thirst that only God can quench. I knew I had to fine tune my faith. After a few weeks of attending a series of talks, I became a part of a Catholic community based here in Singapore which I've always dreamed of joining. I will never be a saint and yes I'm still that cranked up and eccentric dude who respects individual choices and differences, but you know, I'm a work in progress. I really don't have to be self righteous. I will never run out of humour and the energy to go out, but I know I'd have a deeper relationship with Someone who I glorify and believe to be granting me with a good deal of grace.

I ran my first race event in Singapore, too! Eventually, I found myself falling in love with the place again. 

Changi, Singapore

2011's the year when I'm often found inside movie houses, caught eating, hosting, reading (The Hunger Games), watching downloaded flicks and shows (I never missed any episode!), singing, dancing, tweeting, putting make up on others, going out, writing and blogging, staring at the sky while thinking of idiosyncrasies, and telling people to MEYNTEYN. Also, I've been caught relaxing frequently. I'm like everywhere. Look beneath your skin and I'm there! I'm that Jedi warrior on a lucid state.

You're right, 2011. You were full of unbelievable experiences and happenings that were so humbling. I realized though that I could do more. You're the year that gave me a chance to meet several NFF's (New Found Friends). One more day's left on the calendar yet I know there'd be more NFF's by tomorrow as I kick you off and join the countdown. You're also that year which made me reunite with my old folks! And you knew how sorry I am for not being able to devote myself to everyone dear to me because of time constraints, resources, overlapped bookings, and the distance issue - or simply because sometimes, I just love chilling alone.

We had an amazing love- hate relationship, 2011. You opened with a tough releasing of an unthinkable blindfold and ended up with clear visions of what I really want in life so far. Either way, thanks to you and to those people who love me truly! They spiced up your twelve months! Most importantly, I ATE SO MANY GOOD FOOD with you, 2011! 

Goodbye now, you epic year. I may never list or practice those nasty resolutions for that's going to be so mediocre... I'd still give the same advice over and over again to friends, but probably I'll just have to be creative in the delivery so it'd make sense to them that in every lemon thrown at their faces, they need to hold on to their strong hearts all the way. All I could swear to you, 2011, is that on the year of 2012, I'd stay on the game, attempt giving amazing vibes on the worlds of many, and yes, I'd do a lot more of those fist pumps in the air. (Not in the face. Happy now?Alright. LET'S ROLL!


"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still..."          - Exodus 14:14