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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

On How Cool Cynthia Alexander Is

I remembered last 2012 when local music feeds talked of why Cynthia Alexander, one of my favorite homegrown singers/ songwriters, needed to leave the Philippines for the United States. There was a relaxed, farewell show held wherein she performed for the last time in my homeland. I must say that I felt a bit bad that I was not able to go there last year and watch her perform live, which was actually one of my dreams. Imagine sitting on cozy, native room with her performing a few steps away from you, with a percussionist playing bonggos and other indie musicians beside her. Laid back and easy. Online videos of some parts of the show were all that was left for me to see. 

Some issues rose that the music industry back in the Philippines didn't pay more value or attention to great artists like the amazing Cynthia, hence, a feeling of disappointment with a hint of going out may have triggered these musicians to share their music to places and listeners where there's more opportunity and appreciation. Support has been given to artists of a genre that's more acceptable to the Filipino 'masa'. 

So why am I talking about Cynthia right now, when the buzz of her is already a thing of the past? 

That's it. Waves about her aren't made recently, and I truly missed her music. I've listened to her well- crafted songs of tasteful sound and meaningful lyrics since I was young. On my playlist for years are One Hundred Eight Eyes, Comfort In Your Strangeness, Daisy Chain, U & I, Motorbykle, and other songs that would leave one tinkering the heart and mind from those plucked strings. 

Her rendition of the Beatles's Blackbird was amazing by the way.

True enough, the Cynthia Alexander experience is sublime.

Here's another great song from her, Knowing There Is Only Now. 

Mabuhay ka, Miss Cynthia! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Smashing Mt. Pinatubo

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone! 2012 has been a year of wonderful achievements for me especially in the line of fitness and outdoor adventures. Yeah, well, it ended with a few slight health issues but these of course didn't stop me from getting the most out of the year!

I returned to the Philippines a day after the SFC Singapore Thanksgiving Party, wherein I served as one of the dancers who performed a hiphop/ jazz opening number. Yes, that's a week after my full marathon. So I truly give heaps of credit to these strong legs and muscles, hahaha! Or probably the indomitable will to get moving? The activities didn't stop there; I cooked up something for my return back to the Philippines on my week- long vacay, and one of them was this Pinatubo trip.

Okay, so the Pinatubo hike was scheduled on mid- December. Originally, we were supposed to climb the highest peak of Luzon which is Mt. Pulag, but because my friends were having Christmas parties on that weekend which they needed to organize (they're ex- HR colleagues), we just opted for a day tour and the only available adventure was heading up into the crater of Pinatubo.  

So... bottomline, Mt. Pinatubo was just the next best option. My heart seriously yearned to climb Pulag and gaze at the sea of clouds around it.

On Mt. Pinatubo: The volcano is known to be the culprit of one of the worst and biggest eruptions in the history of the Philippines which destroyed several lives and properties in Central Luzon back in the 90's. I remember witnessing some ashfall back when I was a kid, and to think it reached Makati at that time, it was that serious. I didn't realize I'd someday be swimming in the crater of what was once known to be the mouth of a monstrous and abominable mountain.

We all met at 4-ish AM and drove along NLEX. When we got to Capas, Tarlac, we were a few minutes earlier than the expected time. Our excitement level just kept pumping us up.

The experience started by (rough-) riding a 4x4 which crossed a rocky and sandy terrain. The driver of the huge jeep along with the local tour guide were skilled enough to know which part of the land (and water) to tread. Otherwise, we might land on a dangerous spot.

Four of us huddled at the back of the 4x4 jeep
We then had to hike 7 kilometers up into the peak. I didn't have too much sleep the night before the climb so I was like crossing fingers not too fall because of the heat and all those challenges along the rugged trail. 

Finally, we reached the peak and were amazed by the outrageous blue- green lake. Yes, as others say, it's indeed majestic. 

Other tourists were there to be captivated as well. After a few sightseeing, we then hopped into a boat that took us to the other side of the lake. However, the water was too hot for swimming on that part. We decided to go back to the main side where we could enjoy cool water and float away. 

The water's deep, by the way. I just think that lifeguards should be around should there be any emergency case.

Here is the panoramic view of the crater:

So there you go; my final outdoor adventure for 2012! I can't wait to climb, dive, and let myself get lost in breathtaking places this year.