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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Image # 05: My First Full Marathon!

I know! Super late this post has been (yes, Yoda?). There are so many things to update because for the last few months, I've been so heavily busy with service, work, and some running. And I am so grateful to experience these activities!

Oh, running. So yeah, I finally got to run a full 42 kilometers distance at the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2012 which was held last December 2. I finished it with all blisters and pains which I endured all throughout the race. The feeling of accomplishing a full mary has been totally overwhelming!!!

This was what I wrote in the album description of my race photos:

"When I registered online a few months ago, I signed up with both squinted eyes yet with a firm stand that I should be able to finish a full marathon before I turn 30 on 2013. However, during the time gap between the registration and the race, I was initially thinking of bailing out because of other commitments and lags on my training. Weeks before 2/12/12, I had to remind myself of that indomitable will. So I managed to run, taper and get on with the SCMS 2012. I can only think of the many challenges I encountered during the 42.195 kilometers course which were eventually beaten by the fun and the unbreakable human spirit of others that I and my running buddies witnessed along the way. So praise God, I did it, and now I am back in the office where my boss is nagging me to wear the finisher's shirt on wash day. Haha! :)"

Some other facts:

1) I didn't tell my parents about me joining it until the day before race day so as not to get them worried.

2) I've had like 3 energy gels throughout the race.

3) As I crossed the 25th kilometer, I began to question my motives for running the 42 when I could have signed up for the 21.

4) I had scratches on my left arm because I wasn't able to apply some body glide on it.

5) My middle toenails were black for a week. They didn't die, though. New nails, new beginnings. Whatevs.

6) I was on leave the following day to nurse myself and pop out the icky water from the blisters. Hahaha!

7) When I returned for work, I was surprised by my beloved boss and colleagues with a yummy cake to recognize my achievement. I was soooo touched and felt honored!

8) I ran a full marathon before I turn 30. 'Slashed it out of the bucket list. How cool is that.

So now, if you ask me if I will still be running a full 42, my answer is: Hell, YES!

Here's my finisher's medal! Happy Image number 5! 

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