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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Image # 04: Kuala Lumpur With The Bro

I really love my younger (and only) brother. Actually, everyone in the clan totally digs him. I don't know what kind of undisputed charm he possesses but I personally enjoy sharing with him what I know about cool stuff, food, sports, music, videos, and places where we can chill out with cousins and friends. 

We have common interests but we're sort of different in terms of ideologies. Yeah, we do argue. We'd eventually laugh about our fights.

One could just imagine how exhilarating it's been for me when my brother managed to drop by Singapore. I then booked for KL, Malaysia and volunteered to tour him around. So we recorded a lot of funny videos around the city and had loads of fun. We ate like the best trenchermen in town. We goofed around the streets. The rest's history.

His week- long trip's also my longest vacation leave. CRAZY.

So here we are. Fourth happy image: Me and my brother in Petronas.

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