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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Letter To The New Guy That My Friend Is Seeing

Dear New Guy That My Friend Is Seeing,

More than two weeks since you showed that dauntless effort of finally getting to know a dear friend, I have, since then, become a witness of how she's been all aglow and giddy. Her vibrancy as she recounts all your minutes together got me smiling, too. You make her laugh so hard, and while she speaks of it, I got to totally dig your sense of humour as well. You see, she may not appear to do so, with all those no's, but's, if's, and refusals, but my friend actually adores the fact that a person who is so sweet, witty, and patient despite her quirks and whims suddenly arrived at such a rough phase in her life.

I have seen you only in photographs and that short apparition via Skype.  I have known you only through her stories. It is quite unfortunate though because I've this urge to be there with her as she dates you.  I am so certain that she’d support me as the third wheel for your dinners and trips, but of course, I'd hate to intrude in the rawness of your privacy. Oh no, even if I mastered it, I won't ask you to accomplish a Psychological test or have you undergo my Targeted Selection tactics. RELAX. Breathe. It just alarms me, however, that I am not physically present to be by her side. You would think I'm such an overprotective friend, but let me make you understand the reason.

I love her. Yes, that kind of love which springs from the heart of a long- lost sister that has been touched by her being real. Strange as it may seem, our friendship has become stronger, noting the fact that I am here in another country and have not seen her in a year. We are so connected even if there were some rifts during this long- distance friendship.

My friend is a loving woman. She is thoughtful. She will fight for her loved ones. She has this capacity to boost up somebody’s spirit and enlighten a clouded mindset. She will proudly tell the whole world of how much she treasures you. My friend is the type who’d send a bouquet of flowers on your birthday, and will be there during trying times. She is also full of talent and her ability to coordinate is by far the most superb I’ve seen. I can recommend her to fellow practitioners in my human resources network because of her passion, but when it comes to having deeper and personal commitments with someone, I will not recommend her to you. This is because I don’t really know you yet, and even if I do, there are no concrete ways at this early stage to determine how much mess you can make and how much she’ll have to go through.

In short, she is very special, but it’s not really about how my friend carries herself and treats another person that makes her so. If you sincerely know her, you would realize that it's her experiences of utmost pain that actually make her beautiful. My friend has attempted a lot of times in things associated with love- and she fell, failed, smiled, splurged, got wasted, and has gotten to the point of losing control. I understand her, and for me, it does not make sense how such affectionate and generous people can get broken. 'Good thing, she is learning about toughness along the way. 

Please be careful with her. What she needs now is some valuable time to discover herself. She needs more time to renew her spirit and dwell on positivity. Her family must be number one at this point, so woo her not through cheesy lines, food, movies, and drama, but through those people around her. Most importantly, allow her to rekindle that relationship with God and distract her from the worldly things as much as possible.

You’re a man. You’re of age. You are trying to be stable. I pray that you’d make her realize that love will not limit her potential as an individual. All those past hurts must not stop her from loving and being in- love. Get her to feel trust not as an issue but as a relief. Open her eyes in such a way that she sees the goodness of life and the awesomeness in herself. Her heart is so precious and pure but she is now on a fragile stage, so if you could just be an instrument in nourishing it very well, I'd be very much pleased.

Lastly, do assess yourself. What are your limits? How do you value life and what to you is the meaning of humility? How patient are you when it comes to waiting? Do you love yourself and are you ready to be committed? What stage are you in the realization of your ambitions? How is your spirit attuned with your body? Do you feel so crushed by me right at this point?

Hey. Please be the right one. With all the things that have transpired during these weeks, I wish for nothing but a story of lasting happiness for you two, because all throughout my years of crying and laughing with her, true love is what I have ever desired for my friend. If you're not ready for these and for her, I pray that you would grant her freedom soon enough.

So there. I am hoping that when I return to the Philippines, you’re no longer the New Guy That My Friend Is Seeing. I am crossing my fingers that you'd be this wonderful Man That My Friend Is Ending Up With. 

God bless you both.

In Love and In Peace, 

Kate (a.k.a. Future Hot Bridesmaid)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Image # 04: Kuala Lumpur With The Bro

I really love my younger (and only) brother. Actually, everyone in the clan totally digs him. I don't know what kind of undisputed charm he possesses but I personally enjoy sharing with him what I know about cool stuff, food, sports, music, videos, and places where we can chill out with cousins and friends. 

We have common interests but we're sort of different in terms of ideologies. Yeah, we do argue. We'd eventually laugh about our fights.

One could just imagine how exhilarating it's been for me when my brother managed to drop by Singapore. I then booked for KL, Malaysia and volunteered to tour him around. So we recorded a lot of funny videos around the city and had loads of fun. We ate like the best trenchermen in town. We goofed around the streets. The rest's history.

His week- long trip's also my longest vacation leave. CRAZY.

So here we are. Fourth happy image: Me and my brother in Petronas.