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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Image # 03: Tioman

Pulau Tioman is a small island in Malaysia which can be reached very easily from Singapore. Oh, the word pulau stands for the word "island" in Bahasa Malaysia and Indonesia. 

The travel to Pulau Tioman is quite easy as long as you know of the schedules. We first took a bus in Kranji MRT Station and headed to Larkin Terminal in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. From Larkin, there are buses and taxis directed towards Mersing of about two hours travel time. We waited for the first ferry trip from Mersing jetty port off to Tioman. The ferry schedule varies daily as it's based on the tide.

The accommodation I booked is located on a quiet part of the island called Nipah, which is actually what I really wanted since I'm the type of beach goer who hates seeing too many crowds and hearing very loud music while getting basked. 

It is also a diving site, and the land is surrounded by mountains and waterfalls. 

Here's my first Happy Image for this year, shot in the very relaxing and scenic island of Tioman.

Tioman Twin Peaks; Shot with a Canon SX40 HS

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Letter To My 20- Year Old Self

Dear 20- Year Old Kate,

Congratulations in advance for actually making it into your twenties journey. Well, 9 years from now you will have reached only one out of six of what you really wanted to become: HR Professional slash Teacher slash Lawyer slash Forensic Psychologist slash Journalist slash Rockstar based in your homeland, but who cares! You will return to Singapore unexpectedly so you'd have to deal with that move pretty well. Think about how tough you'd be with so many experiences. Things will actually be more awesome than you ever thought of. 

Oh, by the way Kate, I'm writing you this letter to let you know that it's alright. You're nearing your birthday, which'll be the beginning of your last year of completing your Before Thirty Bucket List.

But let's focus on your concerns as a 20- year old. You see, there'd be a lot of screw- ups ahead of you, yet on the bright side, you're off to check out a lot of life's good stuff. Muse over how excited you were as a graduate fresh from college who's about to enter into what they label as the gruesome corporate world. Actually that's the only thing that mattered in your heart: making a mark into a futile environment at age 20 onward. You never wanted a lot of those girly- girl and wifey- wife dreams. You just wanted to become a career freak and to someday adopt a kid. You believed that too much involvement in very personal affairs will get you out of focus. What an ambitious, selfish, and cold- hearted 20- year old. Okay, here's some spoiler for you, skinny girl: your views will kinda change. You're going to experience some balance halfway and you'd better be ready for some slight tweaks in your ambitions. So live it up and stop being too serious at an early age. You will soon be very mesmerized about the importance of family, friendship and love so get a grip.

I've some bit of advice for you though to let you breeze through your twenties ride smoothly:

  • Do and take "things" moderation. Otherwise, you'll get cracked up.
  • Learn self- defense. Attend that kickboxing or wushu class you've been dying to go to. 
  • Use the right defense mechanisms into situations where you feel compromised.
  • Research the funniest and creepiest of jokes, stories, icebreakers, and games. These will really be helpful as you enter the HR world. 
  • Ever thought about investments and stocks? Then think about it when you turn 24!
  • Spend a great deal of time with your family. Be nicer to them. Cook for everybody at home or spoil them with dinner treats when you can. Remember, the first people you should give pasalubong to when you're fresh from a trip are your family!
  • Never ever trade your precious reading time for some silly date. 
  • Don't feel too complacent that you'll maintain that teenage figure forever, so be cautious of your health and fitness activities. Metabolism stuff? That's true.
  • Talk to your father with a free mind and coerce him to help you build your own vegetable garden. Get a car even though he doesn't want you to drive. Don't be scared- he'll never actually pop your tires.
  • Lessen the errands you ask of your mother and increase your spa or facial treatments together.
  • Go out with your brother more often and ask him to train you in playing poker. Stop doing his assignments for the love of God! Don't be evil to his would- be girlfriends, haha!
  • Become a collector, not a hoarder. There's a BIG difference.
  • Embrace your beloved grandparents very tightly and take them to the moviehouse. Make sure to buy a lot of turtleneck tops that your Nanay loves. Eat every meal that your Tatay cooks for you no matter how full you are. Work on those brain- twisting crossword puzzles together more often. Visit your Lola in Pangasinan to dance some cha cha cha. You will miss these... them.
  • Yes, head to that voice talent audition. 
  • Why the hell did you stop making and selling chocolates??? Go get that stupid molder!
  • Chill and don't be such a hot- tempered bitch. You need not blame PMS all the time.
  • Make your wardrobe colorful. It currently looks like a stack of dominoes with a few mud brown and moss green colored stuff.
  • Have a good attendance record. Never get tempted to be absent and tardy due to laziness. Stop claiming that you're suffering from clinomania. 
  • Start running. You may hate it now that you're 20 but unbelievably, you will one day get high and run a marathon. One day.

20- Year Old Kate 
About To Turn 29- Year Old Kate

I pray that you'd get through your twenties full of faith and spunk. It may not be as outstanding, but you are going to do a good job anyway. Thanks for that powerful self control that everybody admires, but I need to remind you to let loose and get crazy during your mid- twenties. That innate sense of humor is going to kill a crowd. Your love for food, traveling, and photographs will really get you to places. So put on your dancing shoes and salsa your upcoming years away because everything will be okay. Things will be FAB!

Toodles and Love,

About To Turn 29- Year Old Kate