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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mapping The Uncharted Stream of Potential

I've always been fascinated with life. Wow, naks: that may be one commonly used pang- publicity first line of an essay or ad material but please understand that it's carefully arrived at and written in all candor. Though there are probably some points that aren't just exciting as expected throughout time, I've learned to rather dwell on its meaning and the potential inside. Actually, my mind has always been the Sparta battlefield of whether to focus on finding happiness versus finding meaning. However the case, one thing's for certain: LIFE IS FREAKING SHORT. If you look at it, that shouldn't be much of a scary thought but something that'd provoke you to move and care. So just like living by another cliche, I've made those attempts on making the most out of it as my main biz by trying to infuse the art of breathing into the core of my existence; that every circumstance shall be dealt with introspection at first and diving into whatever I thought to be could maximize my potential.

Hold it-  I'm not here to have you explore the depths of my cranium. The convolutions inside it are so intricate and complicated that it'd be better to keep them private. I also am not used to writing about dramatic, cheesy, and heart- wrenching moments because the thing is I got a fancy for current events, lifestyle, music, food, and other keen observations of things. Although I hope that you'd excuse me if I sometimes tweet or post a line from a love song or a Neruda poem. Sarap kaya ng laging feeling na in- love at gigising ka sa umaga with a grace- filled aura. One would see me running here and there, involved with various sorts of activities to and fro, sharing what I thought of the recent episode of a hot series, listening to some weirdly beautiful sounds, describing glorious food I've been craving for or have just tasted, or simply talking about my daily musings. I'm busy raving about stuff and most of the time, I don't make too much fuss about what other people hate as it'd only ignite them to anger. But I'm human- sometimes I'd rant or wallow but the thing is I'd eventually just sigh and utter, "Wow pre, natatawa na lang talaga ako eh." There, there... tapos comedy na and craziness overload afterwards.

But yeah, seriously- what I intend for you to realize is that no matter how gripping and negative the events in this world are, one should always use a big space for magic and hope. I know, I know... some may just go on and doubt about the intention of others, or even doubt on the goodness of a situation. I know how rational we could all get because yeah there were some instances that I turned out to be a person who questions everything and overanalyzes whatever is upfront out of emptiness. And I tell you, being so cynical and dwelling too much on an issue may do more harm. These will get you stuck and then you'd recognize that life had passed you by already. We ask what the point is in everything without realizing that it's part of the process and the transformation. You will have to go through it and learn, that something beautiful will happen in the end. Parang ano lang yan eh, yung pot of gold sa other end of the rainbow? YON. Haha!

So when we dream, don't think that it's such a bad thing. It will not make you weak and stupid! You see, it's always cool to map out where you're going, to have this vision of your ideals and that desired situation. It's such a lovely feeling to close your eyes for a while and see yourself in a wild place that your mind could think of, which you may not afford to live in right now but in a few years time, why not?! And with all your loved ones around you as bonus! Keep all these images in mind and then go on attempting that reroute if you must because hey, lots of potentials are in store.  

Lastly, we can all agree that life is short, but ironically, it's also never too late to figure out what will keep you sane, happy, and what could actually give your life meaning.