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Monday, July 23, 2012

A Few Ramblings Afterwards

1)      After giving a tour to a close family member to a place where you currently live, you’d realize that you’re the one who’s acting more like the tourist. You took for granted the entire familiar the whole time you’re there and now that you’re given the time to explore it, fireworks were sort of everywhere.

2)   After reading the Fifty Shades trilogy, you will never get to look at cable ties in the same way again. Upon devouring all pages, your standards on men may probably elevate.The thing is, it’s badly- written but addictive. Nevertheless, you’ll come to a point where you’d say, “Oh crappy crap crap, here we go again with the lovemaking narrative crappy crap.”; then you'd suddenly get tired (of reading). But there are those however's... and the Christian Grey casting contests will consistently occupy your head.

3)      After listening to Paul McCartney’s and Wings’ Silly Love Songs, you will feel all too giddy about romance, even if you have no significant other. You will justify your sentiments by singing, well, a lot of silly love songs.

4)      After a three- day travel, you will only experience the fourth day when you dream of it in your bed. Most relaxing day ever.

5)      After finishing all TV series this season, you will think of fillers to make up for them as you wait for a few more months. You’d download pointless films and shows. That’s it. 

6)      After watching the music video for alt+J’s song called Breezeblocks, you would choose from your own real- life experiences an event which you could play in reverse yet still matches the song. It doesn’t have to be disturbing, though.

7)      After successfully surviving DAY 1 of the General Motor’s Diet as a first- timer, you would want to pulverize whatever's in front of you or whatever you get hold of. Self control is the key. Discipline is the shiznit. 

8)      After running 10 kilometers non- stop on a stressful day at work, all you’d want to do is rest. Still, you would want to run ever so wildly again in that glorious pair of compression tights.

9)      After watching The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan’s third of the Batman saga, you will ask yourself this: “WHY?”

Obviously, this was how I grasped reality after having gone through a crazy yet awesome mid- 2012. Your realizations may not be as cranked- up as mine, so just proceed. 

alt+ J's Breezeblocks (Original)

                                          alt+ J's Breezeblocks (Reversed)