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Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Quarter Stillness

The first three months of 2012 have been really insane. A combo of emotions, hardcore events, and too much sleeping was at work. Even my blogging's been put to hiatus and so accounts of my awesome experiences and travels were just stuck here in my head, waiting for the memory chopper to pick 'em up and drop 'em off into the black hole. Two things though that were constant were the following: a) I did most stuff on impulse, and b) I met MORE new friends. 

My body clock has also become granny- ish lately! Just to give you an idea, I was the perpetually ultimate and crazy nocturnal that one can ever meet! Ever since I settled into my new place though, there's never been a time that I slept for less than eight hours. Total relaxation is sweet! I admit however that this is against my principle of not sleeping so as not to miss out on things because of that "Life's too short" cliche. Haha, so dumb. Now, I would work out and tire myself off so that I could get myself glued to the bed instantly. And I will not wake up no matter how strong the forces of nature have been trying to bug my buzzing. I wouldn't mind even if you go frolicking on my bedside.

I felt that I've done so many things and actually went to some places for the past three months, but I don't want to get into a blow by blow account of all those. Honestly, I lost track of the news because pretty much merrymaking with la vida lately has been so fab. I will just put together all those experiences, places, concepts, and issues that went on from January to March of this year with my li'l cent on the opposite:

a) Kony 2012 video: Filipino slacktivism. I can't believe that a lot have fallen for this. 

b) My February weekend in the Philippines: AWESOME! Family, friends, wakeboarding, food, stairs accident, and alcohol! 

c) Azkals: Wake up! Geez.

d) The Hunger Games film: Josh Hutcherson's exactly how I imagined Peeta to look like. I read the book twice on 2011. As always, the book's always better than the flick. But--- 'ever read or seen Battle Royale?

e) Pinterest: Now getting my ass worked up for the interior of my soon- to- be crib, formal make- up school preps, food porn, and some ramblings.

f) My version of "Look At Me Now": And I bang in the east and I bang in the west... My recorded rap video's still stored in my hard drive. "Do you really wanna know what's next?" LOL.

g) Thought Catalog: I. Am. So. Into. It. I'm wired to be weird.

h) TRX Suspension Training: Are you saying that the body is evil and so it must be punished? I hate how difficult this is!

i) Bintan, Indonesia: Bin- tin (Bintan is Nakakabitin!)

j) Gotye - KMN, FML moments FTW.

k) Wicked: Defying gravity!?

l)  Singapore club scene: I felt so old that the mornings after the hard nights on the dance floor had me going grumpy the following day.

m) Magnum Ice Cream hype: Just because the elite circle in the Philippines are promoting this doesn't make you one of them when you eat Magnum. You're being Punk'd! Stop making duck faces in photos while you're about to take a bite. Get a Pinipig stick instead!

n) Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss: Such an amazingly stirring work.

So the first three months were blah and so- so but I'd still consider them to be kinda cool. It's like experiencing total chill out before summer time. 

I am capping this off with The Burning Man's delivery of Oh, The Places You'll Go. Feel the amazement as I did (and tears were gushing from my eyes for every line of the poem)! By the way, the Burning Man peeps are HOT. Add- on: